We are passionate about the Gospel and growing in your relationship with Christ! Growing spiritually doesn’t have to be an unsolved mystery! RLU walks you through how to grow in your faith, how to serve God, and love others. If your looking to understand doctrine in it's original context RLU is perfect for you!

The Revelators Module

Pastor Don Schmolder

Are you ready to expand your Biblical knowledge?! This Seven (7) Week Course  is a profound portion of the Bible, approximately one-fourth, dedicated to prophecy. To bypass the Book of Revelation is to miss out on 25% of God’s Word. This prophetic text was written for us to re-evaluate our lives and actions. Unlike the prophet Daniel, who was instructed by God to seal his writings at the end of time because they were not meant to be understood in his day, John was explicitly told NOT to seal the book of Revelation.

In both his time and ours, the revelations within this book hold greater clarity and relevance. The mystery that shrouds Revelation is now unveiled, disclosing God’s plan, purpose, and timing.  Allow me to be your guide and journey through Revelation. We do this in three 7-week sections with breaks in between, beginning Saturday March 1st and ending October 11th.  We meet on Saturdays 5-6pm. Registration includes my notes.

DATE:       March 1, 2025 – April 12, 2025, SATURDAYS
WHERE:  RLU Room 202, up left stairs, first door on the right
TIME:      5:00PM – 6:00PM

REGISTRATION CLOSES:  March 8th, 2025 at 5:00PM.

The Biblical Basis for Missions Module

Manuela Glenn

Are you ready to expand your Biblical knowledge?! This Four (4) Week Course explores the biblical foundation for Christian missions. Students will study key scriptures focusing on the Great Commission, and the Church’s role in advancing God’s Kingdom. The key topics include the mission of God (Missio Dei), and the practical ways of participating in God’s redemptive work among the nations. Students will also develop a deeper understanding of God’s heart for the nations and be equipped to take His heart into their personal faith and ministries.
DATE:       March 4, 2025 – March 25, 2025, TUESDAYS
WHERE:  RLU Room 202, up left stairs, first door on the right
TIME:      7:00PM – 8:00PM

REGISTRATION CLOSES:  March 11th, 2025 at 6:30PM

See What Went On In Our RLU Courses

Starting March



Mitch Maciel

Tuesdays 7pm

Are you ready to expand your Biblical knowledge?! This ten week Doctrinal Course introduces you to the basics of living as a Disciple of Jesus Christ. 

  • Date: TBD
  • Where: RLU Room 202, up left stairs, first door on the right
  • Time: 7:00PM – 9:00PM

Session 01: The Bible
Session 02: Mankind
Session 03: The Trinity
Session 04: Jesus
Session 05: Faith
Session 06: Prayer
Session 07: Bible Study
Session 08: The Church
Session 09: Living as Lights


Nathan Delgado

Wednesdays 7:30pm

Welcome to Bible Boot Camp!

This four week course teaches you practical techniques on How to read and understand the Bible, how to retain what you read, and how to put it into action in your every day life.

  • Date: TBD
    TIME:      7:30PM – 9:00PM
  • Where: RLU Room 202, up left stairs, first door on the right
  • Time: 7:30PM – 9:00PM

Session 01: The Interpretive Process
Session 02: Bridging the Historical Gap
Session 03: Bridging the Literary Gap
Session 04: Bridging the Contextual Gap


Welcome Home 👋

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