

Radiant Women

Radiant Women

Radiant Women

Radiant Women

Radiant Women

Radiant Women

Radiant Women

Radiant Women

Meet Our Radiant Women's Pastor

Pastor Roxanne Vargas
Pastor Roxanne Vargas
Radiant Women's Conference - VESSELS
We invite you to join us for our Radiant Women’s Conference Vessels.

2 Timothy 2:21: “If anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work.”


Devoted Marriage Ministry

Rob & Julissa Gallardo

Celebrate Recovery

José & Molly Servin

Women of Joy

Bible Study

WOJ - Grief Ministry

Pamela Orozco & Susan Parnell

A Message From Ana

Hey, Ladies!
Hey, Ladies!

God desires us—not just momentarily, not for a fleeting season, but for the entirety of our lives. His dedication to us is unwavering, steadfast, and eternal. In an era where commitments and promises often seem ephemeral and easily discarded, our God remains steadfastly faithful. He assures us of His enduring presence, pledging never to abandon or forsake us as we navigate the twists and turns of life’s journey. He blesses us with His Word, empowers us with His Spirit, and enriches our lives through the fellowship of one another.

– Ana Ramos

Radiant Women’s Director

Welcome Home 👋

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