- We lead by example… be an example of godliness.
- Children experience God’s love through us.
- Teachers are Mentors and Models NOT communicators of content.
- We are NOT teaching a lesson we are teaching A CHILD. It is okay to deviate from a lesson if necessary.
- Take time to share your own personal testimonies so that they can “see” your model of faith and God at work.
- We build STRONG Godly relationships with the children. We incorporate time for sharing and relationship building activities.
- We are the shepherds, and the children are our sheep. Shepherds know their sheep (The better we know them the stronger the relationship)
- Opportunities are given to exercise and test their faith.
- Challenge children to try what you have told them to “see” if it works rather than telling them.
- Follow-up with children to see if God’s word works.
- Your thinking changes when you “see” that it works.
- Children are observing and experiencing positive emotions about following Christ.
- Teachers demonstrate genuine positive emotion about spiritual things.
- We are PASSIONATE when sharing the word of God.
- We let our feelings show:
- Joy over a child’s faith in Christ,
- Grief over sin or
- Compassion over personal hardships, etc.
- Regularly review, remember, and repeat core Bible truths.
- Make time to review previously taught concepts.
- Children are given the opportunity to express their thoughts and ask questions.
- Ministry workers are asking “how,” “why,” “what if,” and “what do you think” questions appropriate for each age level.
- Analyzing their responses will tell us if they are just recalling facts or demonstrating that they are “thinking.”
- We will then know how to better impact what they are thinking.
- Children are receiving the same message concerning the gospel and how to be a Christ-follower from all ministry workers.
- Ministry workers demonstrate consistency between words and actions. We need to practice what we preach otherwise we will not effectively impact the hearts of children.
- Ministry workers are consistent over time in the handing of situations to not give conflicting messages to the children
- Ministry workers are mirroring both the holiness and the love of God when there is a need to discipline a child (this is a huge opportunity to impact thinking).
- How we respond with discipline provides a make-it-or-break-it teaching moment.
- When the issue is completed with reconciliation, we have the best opportunity to impact a child’s image of, and thinking about, God.
- Target the heart
- Change thinking
- Do so, and you will impact a child of God for life
Proverbs 22:6 ESV Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it.